One Voice. Connecting the world of Regenerative Medicine.
MSK: Orthopedic & Pain Management
Physician must be in good standing with a current valid and unrestricted license to practice medicine in USA or practicing country.
Membership and in good standing with the International Society of Regenerative Medicine (ISRegen)
An MD, DO, DPM, or MBBS degree from an accredited medical school
Minimum of 25 hours devoted to regenerative medicine procedures offered by ISRegen or another IBRM approved workshop or CME activity. (During the last 24 months)
Each physician is capable of performing independently a broad scope of regenerative medicine therapies. Each physician must fill and sign the scope of practice form.
Letters of recommendation from two colleagues (one letter of recommendation from the chair of the applicant’s department or equivalent) who can testify to the applicant’s ethical and professional standards, and to his/her experience in regenerative medicine.​